A Non-Feeling Life Situation

Light To Night 2025
Resonates With Residency
National Gallery Singapore

A Non-Feeling Life Situation considers how we experience life, and what it means to feel and live more deeply. Performed in English and Singapore Sign Language with Open Captions.

I Am Seaweed

Presented by
Mm And SomethingHappens Here (MASHH)/Cheryl Ho & Rachel Lee
M1 Singapore Fringe Festival 2025

I Am Seaweed is a multimedia theatrical show that creates space for respite in an overwhelming society that is constantly pushing us to be more productive and skilful, often at the expense of one’s mental health.

SgSL Interpretation and STTI services provided on the 17th of Jan

System Error:

The Death of the Inside

Work in progress 2
Resonates With Residency
National Gallery Singapore

System Error: The Death of the Inside looks at a world with signs of different sorts, where what is unseen is often left unheard.

There is a cry we ignore that is hiding in plain sight, it goes along with the Death of the Inside.

Performed in English and Singapore Sign Language with Open Captions.

The Death of Chikun

Work in progress 1
Resonates With Residency
National Gallery Singapore

The Death of Chikun follows a girl’s meandering thoughts after the death of a neighborhood chicken. It explores perception, how to “human” in today’s age and what life could be if we chose to slow down and live deeply.

I Am Seaweed

Presented by MASHH in partnership with Theatreworks
But you’re no loser.
You are sunshine.
So get well motherf**cker!

I Am Seaweed is a One-Woman Multimedia theatrical show about the pursuit of Resilience at the expenese of self.

2023 Melbourne Fringe Awards Nominated for Best in Theatre
2023 Melbourne Fringe Judge’s Picks
Melbourne Fringe Show Programme

Here and There

Presented by ActNow Theatre

Supported by Arts South Australia and Creative Australia

Based on the human library idea, Here and There uses live-streaming technology to transport the audience into the lives of artists from across the world, into their homes and places of belonging. Our performance brings together six stories, from six different and diverse artists —three Australians, as well as one each from Malaysia, India, and Singapore. It connects our local, Australian artists with an artist from their home country, in a live, immersive performance that bridges the gap between the places we call home.

Role: Performer (Inclusive of co-writing and assisting with Dramaturgy of piece)

Here and There made its premiere at the DreamBig Children’s Festival in May 2023.

You’re Invited

Presented by ActNow Theatre

Commissioned by Esplanade, as part of Hua Yi - Chinese Festival of arts 2022

Role-play as an avatar on a web-based video-calling platform, escape a maze of your aunt’s persistent questions regarding your relationship status, sing your heart out at karaoke, and partake in the rituals of a reunion dinner. Explore how traditions can adapt to the tides of change in a mindful and sustainable way through this theatrical online experience.

Role: Lead Creative, Performer, Writer, Map designer.

落叶归根 (Luò yè guī gēn) Getting Home

落归根 (Luò yè guī gēn) Getting Home is a one-woman show that interrogates the conflict between a woman’s ambition and her sense of duty and longing to be with her family.

2022 Brighton Fringe Awards: Best Digital Event
2021 Green Room Awards: Best Performer (Independent) 
2021 Green Room Awards: Best Production (Independent) 
2020 Melbourne Fringe Awards Best in Theatre
2020 Melbourne Fringe Awards Best Emerging Writer
2020 Melbourne Fringe Awards Best Emerging Producer 
2020 Melbourne Fringe Awards New Zealand Tour Ready award

Cracking the Code - A workshop on post-disciplinary digital engagement in the arts

Cracking the Code is a part process-sharing panel, part workshop that invites you to consider questions of intent, context, practical tools, funding and audiences when making digital work.

Nithya Nagarajan will be joined by artists Cheryl Ho (Artwave Studio), Amitesh Grover and Tahli Corin (Threshold) who will offer a deep dive into their practice to open up a dialogue about art making and presentation for the digital realm. We will close the session with some provocations around building digital communities and decolonisation in the digital realm

Part of the Australian Performing Arts Market 2022



Sometimes all you want is to sip on a nice cup of tea and listen to a good story before bed. We invite you to put on your pyjamas and settle in for a cosy night of bedtime storytelling – with a twist. Escape the day with some of the best up-and-coming writers as they send you into a fantastical dreamscape with reimaginings of classic tales.

Hosted by Olivia Muscat

Presented in partnership with the City of Port Phillip


presented at Shifting Thresholds hillsceneLIVE2019

An nteractive QR CODE facilitated Audio-Work where audiences follow a trail around Karwarra Gardens interacting with the space and the work. Using audio to transcend time, place and history, audiences will experience the timeline of GIRL and her ancestors. They will delve into where they are from, where they have been and where they may have to go.

residency: hills

Creative Development supported by the Brunswick Mechanics Institute


Each workshop invited participants to join Cheryl in looking back at the time of our grandparents and ancestors. Their culture, their language and their environment. For us to look at the present, and the future too. For us to find ways to navigate new spaces, old spaces, spaces of today.

Each workshop consisted of timed stream of consciousness writing, the mapping of ones ancestral lineage and mapping them out on one’s ‘body’.


Set in a bedroom, in a space where these two cities seem to collide, we see little glimpses of home, of belonging, and of distance. Each object holds a story, a memory or desire from the people who love us from afar and the people we would love right where we are.

Through these 5 short stories, we reflect on chosen objects, revealing our own desires and also the desires of those who cherish us.

Voice Narration Cheryl Ho | Sound Design Ng Sze Min

Set Design Levina Hindarto Then | Lighting Design Rachel Lee

Audio Transcript

View the Online Gallery here

residency: Language

How does language shapes or affects our relationships with friends, family and others?

Enter this gallery space, read articles, stories, share your thoughts and your stories and/or have a conversation with me in the space.

3 - 5th July 2019 George Paton Gallery Union House 

Co-created Cheryl Ho | Sze Min | Merissa Tang | Rachel Lee


the grass is greener on the other side

"HAVE YOU HERD" is an immersive and participatory theatre piece, where audiences become characters in the story. Choices have been made and more choices will be made. How far does one go to get what one desires?

What if you end up losing everything you've ever had?

Writer Cheryl Ho | Sound Designer Ng Sze Min | Designer Brooke Lee
Light Designer & Production Manager Rachel Lee | Stage & Assistant Production Manager Merissa Tang
Devisors and Performers Cheryl Ho, Sarah Fitzgerald, Samuel Rowe


Survival wins, reality muddled.

How much control do we have over our thoughts and actions? How much do past experiences affect the way we respond to the world around us? Is it possible to reprogram the way we process information, and therefore respond more courageously?

In this multimedia production, we invite the audience to be part of an immersive theatre performance.* Navigating through memories and thoughts, looking at how experiences may have conditioned the way we respond to the world.

What if you end up losing everything you've ever had?

Devisor, Writer and Performer Cheryl Ho
Devisor, Sound Designer and Performer Sze Min
Lighting Designer Rachel Lee
Sound Engineer Edwin Cheah

This piece won the Creative Development Award